
The Family Centre Board is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information, which is information which directly or indirectly identifies a person.


The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for the Family Centre in dealing with privacy considerations.


The Family Centre is committed to protecting the privacy of the range of personal information it collects and administers.

The Family Centre recognises the essential right of individuals to have their information administered in ways which they would reasonably expect – protected on one hand, and made accessible to them on the other.  These privacy values are reflected in and supported by our core values and philosophies.

The Family Centre is bound by laws which impose specific obligations when it comes to handling information. The organisation has adopted the following principles contained as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information.

The Family Centre will:


The Family Centre’s CEO is responsible for the implementation of this procedure, for monitoring changes in Privacy legislation, and for advising on the need to review or revise this procedure as and when the need arises.



The Family Centre will:

Use and Disclosure:

The Family Centre will:

Data Quality:

The Family Centre will:

Data Security and Retention:

The Family Centre will:


The Family Centre will:

Access and Correction:

The Family Centre will:


The Family Centre will:

Making information available to other organisations:

The Family Centre can:


Version 4.0

Approved by CEO on Sep 2020

Scheduled review date Aug 2024

Policies can be established or altered only by the Board.

Procedures may be altered by the CEO.


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